Representing Distributions in BN - Discrete child node with continuous parent node
In this case, the most common method used is the discretisation of the continuous parent node; as a result, the BN designer faces all the difficulties in order to construct the conditional probability table. This is due to the fact that the BN theory so far does not provide us with a method that allows us to propagate evidence in such topologies. Still though, attempts to use the logistic function in the case of a discrete variable with continuous parent has been carried out by Murphy [1]. If we assume $X$ is a discrete variable with values $x_{1} . . . x_{n}$ and $Z = Z_{1} . . . Z_{k}$ are its continuous parents with values $z_{1} . . . z_{k}$, the logistic function for representing the conditional probability of the discrete child node given its parents is defined as: \[ P(X=x_{i}|Z)= \frac { e^{{g_{i}+{\sideset{}{_{n=1}^{k}}\sum}s}_{i,n}z_{n}}} {{\sideset{}{_{j=1}^{m}}\sum} e^{{g_{j}+{\sideset{}{_{n=1}^{k}}\sum}s}_{j,n}z_{n}}} \] where $s_{i,n}$ determines the ste...